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Jordan became the first country in the world to eradicate leprosy.
What is the minimum net worth required for a foreign entity interested to act as a clearing member in Bullion Exchange as per the notification provided ...
According to the April 2024 IFSCA Circular, which of the following types of trading is permitted for Remote Trading Participants (RTPs)?
What is the minimum capital adequacy ratio to be maintained by a Small Finance Bank?
Which of the following statement is correct:
1.A company's earnings being negatively affected by a strike by its workers or a major lawsuit again...
What can be the maximum proportion of base size for anchor investors can be decided by an issuer at EBP?
Which of the following is not one of the major economic challenges that posed threat to global growth, according to the Economic Survey of 2023?
Face value of each debt security or non-convertible redeemable preference share issued on private placement is reduced to ……………… by SEBI rec...
UCBs must calculate their exposure ceiling based on Tier-I capital as of which date?
Which city did American Express open its largest campus worldwide?
Which financial center in the Asia/Pacific region rose 15 places in GFCI 35?