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The Brutalist (Drama), Emilia Perez (Non-English), Hacks (Musical/Comedy Series), Elmo (Animated Film).
In August 2020, which organization has partnered with Ericsson to map school internet connectivity?
In the month of April 2021, a scheme “e-SANTA” was launched for connecting the aqua farmers and the buyers, it was launched under which of the follo...
M₂ is one of the measures of money supply. M₂ is the sum of M₁ + _________.
Banganga festival takes place annually at which of the following places in Maharashtra?
The deliberations of the representatives at the Third Round Table Conference was held during the later months of which year?
During the British rule in India, which of the following Governor Generals devised the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’, a policy of annexation?
Which of the following games is used to train the inner travelers?
Which of the following is not a type of coral reef?
According to the 2011 Census of India, which state has the highest population in India?
Which of the following is NOT an example of rocks?