Agumbe Forest, located in the Shivamogga district of Karnataka, is referred to as the "Cherrapunji of South India" due to its high average annual rainfall of approximately 8000 mm. Situated in the Central Western Ghats at an elevation of 650 meters, this tropical moist evergreen forest is also the natural habitat of the King Cobra, earning it the title "The Cobra Capital."
Vertical standards are:
For green manuring sunhemp can be sown during
In which form of tillage, no plant is left undisturbed?
Which of the following crop is perennial, meaning it can live for multiple years and does not need to be replanted each season in order to produce a ha...
High soil temperature suppresses the weed germination. The heating process is
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana is implemented by the Ministry of __________________
What is Jeevamrutha in Zero Budget Natural Farming?
What is the order of agricultural waste management hierarchy, from most to least favored?
Enzyme used by the biscuit manufacturers to lower the protein level of flour is
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 as the international year of