Better track of air pollution using AI - US space agency NASA has collaborated with Google to help local government monitor and predict the air quality . The duo will build advanced machine learning - based algorithms and link space data with Google Earth Engine data streams to generate high - resolution air quality maps in near real - time . Google and Nasa have committed to a 2 years agreement & will leverage their expertise to help local governments make informed decisions about daily air quality monitoring and forecasts . The results will create city - scale, near real - time estimation and forecasting of harmful pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter present in the atmosphere .
All of the following are capital receipts, except ________
Which of the following appears under the heading 'Reserves & Surplus' in the balance sheet?
The rule for nominal accounts is
At the end of the accounting year, all the nominal accounts of the ledger book are:
Renting of immovable property is
A service shall be a continuous supply of service agreed to he provided continuously or on recurrent basis under a contract when the period of service e...
According to IND AS 115, when can revenue be recognized?
Which of the following is/are examples of capital expenditure?
What is the shareholder’s total return, if the shareholder has purchased a share when the market price is Rs.50, and sold after a year to Mr. B at Rs....
In accordance with Ind AS 2, explain how the item should be measured:
One of Company's product lines is beauty products, particularly cosmetics s...