BSE r eceived approval from the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to set up a social stock exchange (SSE) as a separate segment of the BSE. In its circular, the regulator had specified minimum requirements to be met by a non-profit organisation (NPO) for registration with SSE, disclosure requirements for NPOs raising funds through the issuance of zero-coupon zero principal instruments and put in place annual disclosure requirements that need to be made by NPOs on such exchanges.The listed NPO will have to submit a statement of the utilisation of funds to SSE, as mandated under SEBI's rules, within 45 days from the end of the quarter and an Annual Impact Report (AIR) within 90 days from the end of financial year.
What is the name of the special campaign initiated by the Uttarakhand Police to ensure cleanliness at pilgrimage sites and tourist destinations in Uttar...
According to the data released by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), the Central Government’s fiscal deficit in the first five months of 2023-2...
In which city was the South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) Championship 2023 held?
Which statement is correct about “Namami Gange Programme”
a. It is operated under Ministry of Jal Shakti
b. It seeks to accomplish t...
Who among the following was the founder of Calcutta?
Identify the location where the first phase of India's inaugural multinational air exercise, 'Tarang Shakti 2024', took place.
Who was appointed as the Director General of the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) in August 2024?
Hakki Pikki Tribe, recently seen in the news, resides predominantly in which one of the following states?
Which musical instrument does Pandit Dayashankar Ji specialize in playing?
WWF-India’s Central Indian Satpuda Maikal Landscape (SML) sprawls across 19 districts of which of the following states?
A- Madhya Pradesh