The Competition Commission slapped penalties totalling more than Rs 392 crore on online travel firms MakeMyTrip, Goibibo and hospitality services provider OYO for unfair business practices. A fine of Rs 223.48 crore has been slapped on Make My Trip-Goibibo (MMT-Go) and Rs 168.88 crore on OYO. Among others, it was alleged that MMT-Go imposed a price parity in their agreements with hotel partners. Under such pacts, the hotel partners are not allowed to sell their rooms on any other platform or on its own online portal at a price below the price at which it is being offered on the two entities' platforms. Competition Commission of India Headquarters: New Delhi Chairrman: Ashok Guptha
Which type of grafting is also known as stone grafting?
Which of the following substance of opium is used in Cough Syrups?
What is the outcome of intercalary meristem activity?
Botanical name of African marigold is -
Vascular bundles in dicot stem are
Anthracnose in guava is caused by which pathogen?
Vegetative propagation of date palm is through _________
“Queen of Fruits” is called __________
Most important disease of banana in India is _________
Plants which flower only once in their life is: