the Ministry of Defence has reached an all-time high. Reaping the benefits of cost efficiency and speedy procurement, the ministry has purchased products and services worth Rs 16,747 crore in 2022 from the portal,” GeM tweeted sharing the marketplace's performance last year.
How much Viability Gap Funding can the government provide for infrastructure projects under PPP?
Section 194 IA provides for deduction of TDS on which of the following?
A measure of how the returns of two risky assets move in relation to each other is the:
Which of the following elements cannot be a part of Directing?
A firm raises 1000000 by issuing common equity, which of the following financial statements will reflect the transactions?
Observing changes in financial variables across the years is :
ABC Inc’s Income statement shows a sale of Rs 2000, COGS of Rs 800, Pre-Interest Operating Expenses of Rs 600 and Interest expenses of Rs 200. Intere...
If the cost of machinery is Rs.5 lakh, the life of the machinery is expected to be 5 years, and rate of depreciation is 10%, what will be the differenc...
A microfinance loan borrower is identified as a household having annual household income not exceeding …………………….. Household shall me...
What is the Additional Common Equity Tier 1 requirement as a percentage of Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs) for SBI (as it’s a systemically important B...