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The Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has asked the custodians of AIFs to state the names of investee companies, quantum of each investment, investible surplus on the day of the investment, and whether the investee company is an ‘associate’ of the fund, among other things. Category I and II AIFs — VC, infrastructure, real estate, PE and stressed asset funds — can invest up to 25% of their investible funds in a single entity. Investible funds refers to the scheme corpus net of expenditure for administration and management.The corresponding limit is 10% for Category III AIFs, which can leverage and take exposure to derivatives. A fund has to take approval of 75% of the investors for putting money in an ‘associate entity’ where there is a conflict of interest. An associate enterprise is a company or a limited liability partnership in which a director/trustee/partner/sponsor/manager of the AIF or a director/partner of the manager/sponsor holds either
The ratio of the number of people in A and B Companies is 4:5. 70% and 72% of people in A and B Companies passed the interview, r...
In a lock-making factory, 10 percent of the total produced locks were found to be defective, and 80 percent of the non-defective locks were exported. ...
After decreases in petrol prices by 20%, a person is able to buy 3 litre more petrol for Rs. 540. Find the original and increased price of petrol per li...
Suyash have total amount of Rs.2800 out of which, he spent 25% on food, 30% of the rest on travelling. Out of remaining amount he spends Rs.800 on misce...
A man donated 20%, 15% and 24% of his income to three NGOs ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’, respectively. They spent 75%, 80% and 50% of respective sums re...
The population of a city is decreased by 12% in the first year and then increased by 22% in the second year. Find the population of the city at the end...
Preeti spends 35% of her monthly income on consumable items. Her annual income is Rs. 5.4 lac. What is the total amount that Preeti spends on consumable...
A shopkeeper sells apples. He sells x% of the stock each day and x/5% of the remaining apples gets spoiled overnight, then he sells the remaining apples...
A person who spends 55% of his salary saves the remainder. His salary goes up by 15%, but his savings stay the same, and he now spends Rs. 3,300 more. D...
The value of A’s car is depreciating by 45% every year whereas the value of his house is appreciating by 10% each year as compared to the previous yea...