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The Prime Minister’s Internship Scheme aims to train 100,000 youth by December 2, 2024.
A person traveled 140 km in 3 hours. For the first 2 hours, he traveled at 60 km/h. What was his speed during the last hour?
‘A’ and ‘B’ started moving towards each other at same time with a speed of 24 km/hr and 12 km/hr, respectively. If the di...
If the speed of Train A is six times to that of Train B and takes 15 hours less than Train A. Find the speed of Train B if the distance travelled by the...
In a 1.6 km race, 'A' gives 'B' a head start of 300 meters, but still 'A' wins the race by 100 meters. If 'B' takes 15 minutes to complete the race, cal...
A bike completes a journey in 4hrs with a speed of 60 km/hr. At what speed must it travel to complete the journey in 6 hrs?
How much time a train 200 metres long running at the speed of 72 km/hr take to cross a bridge 180 metres in length?
Anil travels a certain distance by car at a speed of 75 km/h and comes back to the starting point via same route by bike with speed of 45 km/h. Find the...
Buses A and B are moving around a circular ground of radius 210 m. If the speeds of the buses A and B are 16 m/sec and 20 m/sec respectively, then what ...
The ratio of the speeds of a bus and a car is 5: 12. If the car covers 504 km in 7 hours, what is the speed of the bus in km/h?
A bus takes 6 hours to travel from city P to city Q. If the speed was reduced by 10% after covering 120 km, it takes 30 more minu...