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While contributions to APY are eligible for deductions under Section 80CCD, they are not fully exempt from income tax. The scheme follows similar tax benefits as NPS.
House used for rearing chicks from day –old with arrangements of artificial heating and light is known as?
A farmer has taken 3 lakh loan under KCC, after interest subvention farmer has to pay what percentage of interest if he has timely repaid the loan?
Dapog method of raising seedlings in paddy crop requires how many days to get ready for transplant?
Which segments in insect body are known as genital segments:
Diapause is the period of arrested growth or development in the life cycle of the insects. The occurrence of diapause during summer due to high temperat...
Which of the following is most suitable for b .
Fruit Products Order (FPO) was established in
Scalping is also known as
Which of the following statement is false?
Shelf stable products with a water activity of 0.6 to 0.84 which can be eaten without rehydration are called: