The Palk Strait is a strait between the Tamil Nadu State of India and the Mannar district of the Northern Province of the Island nation of Sri Lanka
If all the persons in row 1 are arranged in alphabetical order from the right end, then who among the following person sits opposite to M?
Which of the following is true?
There are five persons sitting in the row and are facing in north. P, who is sitting second to the right of N, is sitting immediate left of Q. R is sitt...
How many persons are sitting between Q and R, when counted clockwise of Q?
Six persons sit around the circular table facing towards the center. H sits immediate right of E. D sits second to the left of B. G and F are adjacent ...
Which of the following person behind the person who sit 4th to the left of A?
Who likes Blue?
Which of the following is the correct position of A?
Who amongst the following is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Black?
Which of the following is true?