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Mizoram share its boundary with Bangladesh & Myanmar. Sikkim, Tripura and Mizoram are the states that form international boundaries on the three sides. Sikkim is bordered by Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan whereas Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh from three sides. West Bengal has the longest boundary with Bangladesh.
In which of the following expressions will the expression ′Q < P′ does not hold true?
Which of the symbol should replace the question mark in the given expression in order to make the expression “M ≥ Q” as well as “O > K” defini...
Statements: M ≤ N > O; P > M; Q < R < P
I. M < P
II. O < P
Statements: J @ K, K $ L, L & M, M % N
Conclusions: I. K @ M II. N & J
...Statements: V ≥ W > X = Y, C > D = E ≥ V
Conclusions :I. E ≥ W II. D ≥ Y III. C > V
Statements: P < Q = R ≥ S = T; R < U; R = W
Conclusion: I. W ≥ T II. U < P
I @ Y © Z * A $ M
I. Z * M
II. A % Y
III. A % I
Statements: A ≥ B ≥ C = M = N ≥ O ≤ P ≤ Y = Z
I. Y > M
II. Z ≤ A
In the question, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the following conclusion(s) among the three conclusions is/are true and then g...
Statement: B = L > N < M; M ≤ V < G
I. G > N
II. B =...