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The major activities of agricultural extension division are..?
Which scheme supports the training of agri-entrepreneurs and provides financial support through Knowledge Partners?
An application of the accounting principles to the business of farming is:
Soils with Bulk density 1.325g/cc and Particle density of 2.65 g/cc consist of a total porosity of:
Ragi is rich source of
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1948 was awarded to Paul Hermann Müller for his
discovery of which high efficiency contact poison ag...
The naturally occurring contact insecticides developed from tobacco
The process by which particular homozygous plant varieties can be selected for creating next generations.
What is the total corpus of the Agri Fund for Start-Ups & Rural Enterprises (AgriSURE)?
A cross is made between two homozygous parent plants, is called monohybrid cross. In this cross genotypic
ratio is