An auxiliary bud can develop into a branch, which can bear leaves, flowers, or other structures.
Installing 10-12 blue/yellow sticky traps per hectare is effective to manage: -
Rooting of shoot, stems or branches while they are still attached to the parents is called a___.
The production of wheat is __________ million tonnes in India during financial year 2022-23.
Which of the following is a good conductor of heat but a bad conductor of electricity?
The relationship between two organisms, where both of them benefit from each other is called:
Prosopis cinerea and Cenchrus ciliaris are good fodder tree + grass combination for
The minimum number of satellites needed for a GPS to determine its position precisely is
Palmitic and oleic acids are prominent fatty acids in insects and comprise:
In the intercropping of Gobhisarson + Toria, the crops are sown in alternate rows at a spacing of:
A pure seed of improved variety which is produced under the supervision of plant Breeder. It is used for the production of breeder seed and forms the ba...