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Vacuoles act as storage compartments within the cell, storing nutrients, waste products, and other materials. In plant cells, they are particularly large and essential for maintaining cell structure.
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter cluster.
...Select the odd letters from the given alternatives?
The letters which are attached with the numbers in which at least one is odd digit are arranged according to the descending orders of their numbers from...
In the word ‘ SHIPMENT ’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their following letters. Now all letters...
In the word ‘MARSHMALLOW’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their following letters. Now all letter...
Three of the following letter-clusters are alike in some manner and hence form a group. Which letter-cluster does not belong to that group?
Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the letter-cluster that is different.
Select the letter-cluster from among the given options that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
<...Which among the following word cannot be formed using the letters of the given word only once?