Gammexane is commonly known as Benzene hexachloride which is used as insecticide.
FOB in international trade stands for:
King of Pippin is the variety of ......
Hypogeal type of seed germination occur in
According to second advance estimate of Horticulture production 2023-24, arrange the following in sequence?
Which is a single use plan that covers a relatively large set of activities?
Marginal physical product (MPP) where P=production, and X=input, is equal to
Match List-I with List-II
Choose the correct answer fr...
Which of the following materials were used for the reclamation of saline soil?
A method in which methods of sowing seeds, technology use is demonstrated to group of farmers
Arrange these soil particles as per their size (large to small)
(A) Clay
(B) Fine gravel
(C) Sand (course)
(D) Sand (fine)