Absolute alcohol can be obtained from rectified spirit by azeotropic distillation.
Select the option which seems nearest in meaning to the phrase 'beyond the horizon' as mentioned in the passage.
What did the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) report on India’s healthcare workforce reveal?
As of now, what are the functions of the UCLA device?
What did the black dogs do when the author and his friends came closer to them?
Which of the following is a near antonym of the word ‘skeptical’?
Find the word from the given options which has its meaning most similar to the phrase spruce up as used in the passage.
What did the couple do after six months?
Choose the correct statement regarding The Pitch Lake.
Find the word from the given options which has its meaning most opposite to the word WOEFULLY as used in the passage.
What does the data from the National Health Profile 2017 show?