The actinide series is a group of 15 elements on the periodic table with atomic numbers 89–103. The elements in this series are radioactive and have a wide range of oxidation states. Thorium is a radioactive actinide metal with the atomic number 90.
If ‘ELEMENT’ is coded as ‘EELMNET’, then ‘ EXPLAIN ’ will be coded as?
Rearranging the letters “AKBLU’, we get the capital of _________
What may be the code for 'women law", if 'law women help' is coded as 'vo mo zo?
In a certain code language, RIVER is coded as QHTFS and MAGMA is coded as LZENB. In the same code language, how will TOWER be coded as?
If all the letters in the word 'COLLECTION' are arranged in English alphabetical order from left to right and then all the vowels are changed to the nex...
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘PREVIOUS’, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have bet...
In a code language ‘rym’ means ‘outrage religious feelings’, ‘nrx’ means ‘religious information technology’ and ‘xyq’ means ‘outra...
If code for NUMBERS is 23 and code for RATE is 11, then what is code for ' QUANTS '?
In a code language, 'ROSE' is coded as 228 and 'TULIP' is coded as 390. How will 'DAHLIA' be coded in the same language?
In a certain code language ‘CLUMSY’ is coded as ‘WQKSJA’. What is the code for 'JASMINE' in that code language?