Insurance Regulatory Development Authority was setup on the recommendation of Malhotra Committee which was headed by __________________ and who was ____...
Leading questions can be asked in
When consent to an agreement is caused by undue influence, the agreement is a contract_________________
What is the objective with which the Insurance Advisory Committee is established under section 25 of the IRDA Act?
As per the Companies Act, 2013 a Company means_____________
What provision must the system provider make regarding dispute resolution between system participants, as per the Payment and Settlement Systems Act?
According to the Motor Vehicles Act , what is the definition of a "invalid carriage"?
If the services of an employee have been terminated for riotous or disorderly conduct or any other act of violence on his part, the gratuity payable to ...
A search-warrant for persons wrongfully confined may be issued by:
Which of the following is not included in the definition of securities under SCRA ?