Among the elements S (Sulfur), P (Phosphorus), and AR (Argon), Sulfur (S) has the maximum number of atoms in its molecular form because sulfur typically exists as S8 molecules, meaning each molecule contains 8 sulfur atoms, while phosphorus exists as P4 molecules (4 atoms) and argon exists as single atoms (Ar) in its molecular form.
Select the option that correctly fills in the blank and completes the series.
ay, cw, eu, gs, iq, ko, ______
Which alphabet - digit pair will replace the question mark in the given series?
23K, 28I, 34G, 41E, ?
If ‘+’ means ‘−’, ‘−’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’, what will come in place of ‘?’ in the foll...
Read the given statement and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance w...
If 'Chair' is called 'Fan', 'Fan' is called 'Remote', 'Remote' is called 'Bottle', 'Bottle' is called 'Glass', 'Glass' is called 'Stabilizer', then in w...
A boy starts from point A and walks 11 km towards east and stops at point B. Now, he turns 45 degrees to his right and walks 2 km to reach point C. Now,...
In a certain code language, 'A' is coded as '2', 'B' is coded as '4' and 'C' is coded as '6'. Which word will be coded as '1210108' as in that code lan...
In a certain code language, ‘GLASS’ is coded as ‘T0AHH’, and ‘METAL’ is coded as ‘NVTZO’. How will ‘PAPER’ be coded in that language...
'Dog' is related to 'Labrador' in the same way as 'Vegetable' is related to '_______'.
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term and the sixth term is related to the...