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Advection, in atmospheric science, change in a property of a moving mass of air because the mass is transported by the wind to a region where the property has a different value (e.g., the change in temperature when a warm air mass moves into a cool region).
By rule of the thumb
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the bold segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select "no substitution ...
The once in a decade leadership transition is set to begin in earnest in July.
His determination to spice up his story makes it sometimes read like a dime novel about a drink-crazed mafia don.
Contain commonly used idioms and phrases in the English language. In each case, choose the option representing the correct meaning of each of ...
Which of the following options best represents the bold expression?
The Vice Chancellor decided to shut down the student union office sine die ....
With too much work, our holiday has become ball and chain .
Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
This problem is a hard nut to crack,it will take longer than t...
Charley Horse
Which of the phrases given below each statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sent...