The correct answer is B
Factor responsible for the formation of Saline soils/White alkali is/are:
What is the color of the tag used for certified seed?
For the farmers, ………………………………. Soil structure is favourable for plant growth.
...Which method measures soil moisture content by drying a sample in an oven and determining the percentage of moisture loss?
In which soil order is cryopedoturbation, a frost churning process resulting from the freezing and thawing of soil material, predominantly observed?
Which soil type covers the maximum area in India?
According to the mobility of element in soil; which of the following is considered as Immobile in soil.
According to USDA classification of salt affected soils; a soil having EC >4 mmho/cm; ESP >15; pH
What is the term used for the study of soil in relation to higher plants?
Choose the best answer from the following options
…………………………means the crop producing capacity of a soil which is measured in terms of yield (bio-mass).