Marble is a metamorphic rock, made from recrystallized minerals like calcite or dolomite. It is most commonly used for making sculptures and buildings.
By interchanging the given two signs and numbers which of the following equation will be correct?
× and ÷, 7 and 9
Select the option that will correctly replace the question mark [?] in the following series.
I: There is increase in fog level due to pollution in Delhi in the last week of November.
II: Most of the flights were cance...
यदि H = I, F ≥ G, H < G and J > I, तो निम्न में से कौन सा निष्कर्ष सत्य है?
If all the prime digits of the number 8672865978 are written first (in increasing order) followed by even digits(in increasing order) and then odd digit...
एक घड़ी में 12:30 बजने पर घण्टे की सूई उ Ÿार दिषा में है तथा मिन...
Select the option that will complete the below series.
U2C, O7D, I23E, E72F, A220G,?
David divides 78 by half and adds 11. What number he gets in the end?
Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term.
Theatre : Actor :: Laboratory : ?
How many pairs of letters are there in the word “DESIGNER’ which has number of letters between them in the word to the number of letters bet...