The acceleration due to gravity of earth is the rate of increase of velocity of a body falling freely towards the earth. At a given place, the value of acceleration due to gravity is constant but it varies from one place to another place on the earth surface. It is due to this fact that earth is not a perfect sphere. It is flattened at the poles and bulges out at the equator. The value of 'g' is minimum at the equator and maximum at the poles.
Which of the following is aim of food processing
a) Extending the period during which food remains wholesome (microbial and biochemical)...
Reducing sugars help in the food industry in the following way. Which of the following given sentences is untrue?
In active packaging Ca(OH)2 and NaOH acts as
a) Oxygen scavenger
b) Carbon Dioxide scavenger
c) Ethylene scavenger
d) Moisture remover
Canned food poisoning is commonly linked to which of the following microbes?
Eggs are separated from spoiled egg by the metod
a) Candling
b) Withering
c) Roche Yolk Colour Fan
Which of the following governs the secondary drying process in freeze-drying?
Identify the Lacquers used for food cans.
1. Oleoresinous
2. Phenolic resins
3. Epoxy polyamide
4. Vinyl alkyd
Which of the following conditions ‘Probiotics’ are needed to people?
a. People with strong immune system
b. People no...
Which protein is responsible for elasticity of wheat dough?
TDT represents…….of microbes