Like a camera, the human eye uses a convex lens system to form a small, inverted, real image of an object in front of it. Lens is the part of the eye having the largest refractive index.
Family of Jute is?
Which heteropolysaccharide is an example of a storage polysaccharide and contains pentoses, hexoses, and monosaccharide derivatives?
India’s agricultural exports crossed $50 billion during the fiscal year 2021-22. Which crop recorded highest quantity exported in 2021-22?
Late blight of potato is caused by
Rate of growth per unit of dry matter is indicated by
Which insect is commonly known as the Pink Bollworm, a major pest of cotton?
Which of the following property of soil is not influenced by tillage operations?
Among the following soil types, which one demonstrates the highest infiltration rate, indicating the soil's ability to allow water to permeate easily?
The change in chromosome number that involves the entire set, either by the loss or gain of one or more entire sets of chromosomes, is referred to as:
Inter-culture with bullocks or tractor is mostly performed in widely row sown crops. A solid (broadcast) crop where it is usually performed is