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Great Lake has 5 lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior.
The population of the town is 270,000 4/9th of them are males and the rest are females. 50% males and 40% females are married. Find the percentage of th...
50% students (boys + girls) in a math class are boys. Out of total boys, 65% are literate and 70 are illiterate. Find the number of literate girls in th...
Ajay spent 30% of his monthly income on rent and 46% of the remaining on food and the rest amount is saved by him which is Rs. 3213, then find the month...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 10% every year. If his income 3 years hence from now will be Rs. 29282, then find his income a year before from now.<...
In a train, 45% of the passengers are females. Out of total number of passengers, 65% have unreserved tickets out of which 27% are females. How much per...
In a test, P got 26% of total marks and failed by 25 marks while Q got 44% of total marks which is 20 more than passing marks. Find the total marks of t...
There were two candidate in an election. 15% of the total voters did not cast their votes whereas 10% of the casting votes were declared invalid. If the...
A person sells each package of snacks for Rs. 10 each. On Monday, he sold 100 packages which was 25 more than that on Tuesday but 10 less than that on W...
A scored 46% marks and failed by 45 marks whereas B scored 76% marks, which was 75 more than the passing marks of the examination. Find the total marks ...
A person spent 22% of his monthly income on food and 77% of the remaining on rent. If amount spent on rent is Rs 600.6, then find the amount spent on fo...