The correct answer is B
How is Y related to W?
A and Z are siblings. B has two children and he is son of Y, who is father-in-law of C. C has only one son. Z is not granddaughter of Y. How is A relate...
How is F related to E?
In equation ‘S & V % T + K * U’, how is K related to S?
Who is the mother of N?
Which of the following statement is definitely true?
What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the expression ‘A + B @ C % D ? E’ if it indicates that ‘ C is grandfather of E&rs...
Archit is brother of Priyanka who is married to Manish. Manish is father of Arijit who is father in law of Rakesh and has two children, then how Archit ...
How is P related to H?
How is G related to H?