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Sol. In Falconidae, talons are used for hunting, capturing prey, and self-defense. Their sharp claws make them lethal for prey and threats. Information Booster:
Which nutrient deficiency is responsible for little leaf in mango and mottle leaf of citrus?
Which of the following is a technique for reclamation of saline sodic soils?
What is the term used for the asexual fruiting bodies produced by fungi?
The term monopolistic competition means
Semi-conservative DNA replication was demonstrated by
The National Food Security Act, 2013 makes Right to Food a legal entitlement. It implements which of the following Directive Principle of state policy.
Cue lure, poison baiting is an effective management practices for:
Which one is considered in feasibility survey ?
Agriculture entomology concerns the study of:
The amount given to each farmer under PKVY scheme for one acre land area to promote organic farming is: