
    In Data Communication, what protocol is used to ensure reliable transmission of data over a network?

    A UDP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B IP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C HTTP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D TCP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E FTP Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that ensures the complete delivery of data between two devices over a network. It manages data transmission with error checking, flow control, and acknowledgment mechanisms to ensure that data is delivered accurately and in the correct sequence. UDP : The User Datagram Protocol is faster but unreliable, as it does not guarantee the delivery of data or check for errors. IP : The Internet Protocol handles routing but does not guarantee the reliability of the data transmission. HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used for transferring web pages but relies on TCP for reliable data transfer. FTP : File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files over a network, but it also relies on TCP for ensuring reliable transmission.

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