
    Which architecture allows multiple processors to share memory and work simultaneously?          

    A SISD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B MIMD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C SIMD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D MISD Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E SOA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data) is an architecture where multiple processors can execute different instructions on different data simultaneously, sharing a common memory space. This allows for parallel processing, increasing the efficiency and speed of the system, making it ideal for complex computational tasks. SISD : Single Instruction, Single Data architecture processes one instruction at a time on one data set, without parallelism. SIMD : Single Instruction, Multiple Data architecture processes multiple data sets using the same instruction, but it is not as flexible as MIMD. MISD : Multiple Instruction, Single Data architecture is rarely used and is not suitable for parallel processing. SOA : Service-Oriented Architecture is unrelated to processor architecture and focuses on building modular services in software systems.

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