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The correct answer is D
Present ages of P and Q are in the ratio 3:7 respectively. If Q’s age, 10 years hence from now will be 5 times of P’s age, 6 years ago from now, the...
A is younger than B by 4 years. If the ratio of A and B ages is 5:7 respectively, then find the age of A.
The ratio of age of ‘B’ after 6 years from now and age of ‘C’ 4 years ago from now is 7:4, respectively. The present age of ‘C’ is 40% of th...
In an office, there are 18 employees. The average age of all the employees is 28 years. If the age of three senior managers is included, then the averag...
In four years, the age ratio of 'X' and 'Y' will be 10:13, respectively. The current average age of 'Y' and 'Z' is 54 years, and the present average age...
If the sum of the ages of a father and his son is 60 years and the difference of their ages is 30 years, what is the father's age?
The current age of Jerry is three times that of Kim. 4 years from now, Jerry's age will be 2.5 times the age of Leo at that time. If Kim is 4 years youn...
6 years ago, the ratio of the ages of A and B was 2:3 and after 7 years it will become 3:4. Find their present ages.
Four years ago, the age of 'P' was 25% less than the current age of 'Q'. 9 years ago, the average age of 'Q' and 'R' was 25 years. To find the current a...
Present ages of P and Q are in the ratio 4:7 respectively. If Q’s age, 15 years hence from now will be 6 times of P’s age, 6 years ago from now, the...