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A binary heap is the most suitable data structure for implementing a priority queue because it allows for efficient extraction of the highest or lowest priority element. The time complexity for inserting and extracting elements is O(log n), making it highly efficient. Why Other Options are Wrong: a) Stack follows LIFO (Last In First Out) and cannot manage priority efficiently. b) Queue follows FIFO (First In First Out) and doesn’t handle priority. d) Linked list has linear time complexity for extracting elements based on priority. e) Array requires scanning the entire list for priority, leading to inefficient operations.
A < B = C; D = E ≤ F ≤ G; E ≤ B
I).  G ≥ C
II).  D ≤ B
III).  C ≥...
M > N = W; J < P = N; Y > P
I. Y > W
II. M < Y
III. J > M
Statement: L > J ≥ U ≥ F; P < S < L
Conclusion: I. S < F II. P < U
Statement: C > D = K; C > T > F; C < O
Conclusion: I. F < D      II. K ≤ F
In the question, assume the given statements to be true. Find which of the following conclusion(s) among the three conclusions is/ are definitely true ...
What should come in the place of [@] and [%] sequentially, in the given expressions to make ‘H > A’ always true?
A < B ≤ C [@] D = E [%] F ...
Statements:  B > K < Y, E > C ≥ O = Y
I. C > B
II. E ≤ Y
III. E > K
IV. O ≥ K
...Statements: H @ B, B * E, V © E, W $ V
 Conclusions:     I.W $ E                 II.H @ E               Â...
Few Platforms are Trains.
All Platforms are Stations.
Some Stations are not Passengers.
I. No...
Statements: I < P = S ≥ O > W < E≤ G ≥ A
I: O ≤ P
II: G > O