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The Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm minimizes the average waiting time because it schedules processes based on the shortest expected duration. By prioritizing shorter tasks, SJF reduces the time longer processes spend in the queue, thus lowering the overall average waiting time. Why Other Options are Wrong: a) FCFS does not consider process length, which can lead to long waiting times if a long process arrives first. c) Round Robin provides fairness but not efficiency in minimizing waiting time. d) Priority Scheduling focuses on priority rather than process length, potentially causing starvation. e) Multilevel Queue Scheduling is complex and does not aim specifically to minimize waiting time.
Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
The government is working towards strengthen (1) the country's infrastructure (2), with a focus on building more efficient (3) transport systems t...
Directions: In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in b...
(a) Tariff (b) Tarriff
(c) Tarif (d) Tarrif
Select the CORRECTLY spelt word.
Directions: In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bo...
The Supreme Court questioned how a house could be demolished solely because someone is accused or even convicted.
Choose the correctly spelt word?
Choose the correctly spelt word
In the question below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold. From the options, choose the number of highlighted in bold which are co...