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Modularity is the process of breaking down a system into smaller, self-contained modules or components, each of which can be developed, tested, and maintained independently. This simplifies complex systems by allowing focus on individual parts without losing sight of the overall structure. Why Other Options are Wrong: a) Encapsulation hides internal details but does not break systems into modules. c) Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class but does not break systems into components. d) Abstraction hides complexity but is not the same as breaking down a system. e) Inheritance is about creating a new class from an existing one, not breaking down systems.
The double zero type variety belongs to:
Which of the following crop is biennial in nature?
Which crop is sensitive both to drought and excessive moisture condition?
Iron is an important component of which of the following enzyme?
Barberry bush is the alternate host of _______
Suberization is associated with:
Crop failure due to prolonged dry spells during crop period and less than 75 days of crop growing season are the characteristics of which type of farming?
Which of the following is a nematode disease of rice ?
Which new wheat variety stands out for its ability to release glucose more slowly into the bloodstream?
What is transition point in respiration?