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Quick Sort is not a stable sorting algorithm. Stability in sorting algorithms means that equal elements retain their relative order before and after sorting. Quick Sort does not guarantee this behavior because, during partitioning, equal elements may get swapped in such a way that their relative order is not preserved. Although Quick Sort is an efficient comparison-based sorting algorithm with an average time complexity of O(n log n), its lack of stability makes it unsuitable for cases where maintaining relative order of equivalent elements is crucial. Why Other Options are Incorrect: A) Merge Sort: This is a stable sorting algorithm as it ensures that the relative order of equal elements remains unchanged. B) Bubble Sort: Bubble Sort is stable as elements are swapped only if necessary. D) Insertion Sort: Insertion Sort is stable because it inserts equal elements in their original order. E) Tim Sort: Tim Sort is a stable sorting algorithm, combining Merge Sort and Insertion Sort properties.
A man donated 10%, 20% and 15% of his income to three NGOs ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’, respectively. They spent 75%, 80% and 50% of respective sums re...
Suyash have total amount of Rs.3000 out of which, he spent 25% on food, 40% of the rest on travelling. Out of remaining amount he spends Rs.620 on misce...
A man's annual income grows by 25% each year. If in 2022, his income is Rs. 31,250, what was his income in 2020?
In a company-wide survey, it was discovered that 20% of the employees own a car. Among the remaining employees, 30% have either an Activa or a bike. The...
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Two numbers are less than a third number by 20% and 24% respectively. Find the percent by which the second number is less than the first.
The cost price of juice is 50% more than the cost price of lemon soda. A juice seller mixed 120 ml of juice with 30 ml of lemon soda in a glass. By mist...
A businessman's earning increase by 25%in one year but decreases by 4%in the next. Going by this pattern, after 5 years, his total earnings would be Rs....
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