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This code demonstrates inheritance in object-oriented programming. The Dog class inherits from the Animal class. The Animal class has a method sound that returns "Some sound", while the Dog class overrides this method to return "Bark". When an instance of Dog is created and dog.sound() is called, the overridden method in Dog is executed, yielding "Bark". Why Other Options Are Wrong: A) Some sound: This option is incorrect because it represents the output of the sound method from the Animal class, which is overridden in the Dog class. C) Dog: This option is incorrect because it does not correspond to any return value from the sound method; it is not a valid method output. D) None: This option is incorrect as it implies that the sound method does not return anything, which is not true; it returns "Bark". E) Animal: This option is incorrect because it does not represent the output of any method in the code.
Only a few Dogs are cats
Some cats are not tiger
No tiger are rat
Only a few rat are lion
All Sheep are Peacock.
 All Peacock are Deer.
 Mostly Sheep are Hen.
I. Few...
Statements: Â Â Â Â Â All phones are battery.
                            No battery is a network.
Two statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III.Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance w...
In the following questions, a set of statements is followed by some conclusions, one of which definitely does not follow (or is not a possibility of oc...
Only a few Red are Green.
No Green is Yellow.
No Pink is Red.
I. Some Red are not Yellow.
All Light are Pole
Some Steel is Light
No Pole is Metal
I. All Metal is being Light is...
Only today is tomorrow.
All yesterday is night.
No today is night.
Mostly today is day.
...Statements: Some printers are monitors.
All monitors are modems.
Some modems are keyboards.
Some chalks are wires.
No wire is pole.
Some poles are irons .
I. No pole is a wire.