In this JavaScript code, an XMLHttpRequest object (xhr) is created to send a synchronous GET request to the specified URL. The open method initializes the request, with the third parameter set to false, making the request synchronous. This means that the script will pause execution until the server responds. When xhr.send() is called, the request is sent, and upon completion, xhr.responseText contains the server's response, which is printed to the console. Why Other Options Are Wrong: B) An error due to using a synchronous request: This option is incorrect because while synchronous requests can lead to performance issues (blocking the UI), they do not inherently cause errors unless there are issues with the request itself. C) undefined: This option is incorrect because the responseText will contain the server's response if the request is successful, rather than being undefined. D) The text "GET request was successful": This option is incorrect as it does not reflect a specific response from the server; the actual response depends on the API being called. E) The server's HTML code: This option may be misleading; while it’s possible the server could return HTML, the actual output depends on the response from the specific API being called.
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