The height of a binary tree is defined as the number of edges on the longest path from the root to a leaf node. It is a measure of the tree's vertical size. For example, a single node tree has a height of 0, as there are no edges. Height is critical for evaluating the tree's balance and efficiency, as unbalanced trees (e.g., skewed trees) can degrade performance in operations like insertion and searching. Why Other Options Are Incorrect · Option 2 (The number of nodes from the root to the deepest leaf): This definition corresponds to the depth of the deepest node, which is one more than the height since the height considers edges. · Option 3 (The total number of nodes in the tree): This is the size of the tree, not the height. · Option 4 (The total number of edges in the tree): This measures the connections in the tree but doesn't represent height specifically.
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