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White Box Testing (also known as Clear Box Testing or Glass Box Testing) involves testing the internal structures, logic, and code paths of an application. It is often performed by developers or testers with a strong understanding of the codebase. This technique ensures that all internal operations of the software, such as loops, statements, and decision branches, work as intended.
On which river is the Shivanasamudra Waterfalls situated?
In July 2023, which country successfully launched the 'Methane Liquid Oxygen Fuel Space Rocket'?
Kalinjar Fort is located in which district of Uttar Pradesh?
A month long Rajiv Gandhi Rural Olympic Games have been inaugurated in which state of India?
Recently on 3rd August Mithilesh Chaturvedi passed away, he was a?
Where is the National Dope Testing Laboratory located?
According to sources, what is the value of the investment tied with the trade agreement between India and the four-member European Free Trade Associatio...
What was the name of the tax that Marathas collected?
Who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest at the Indian Air Force's display of firepower at the Pokhran range near Jaisalmer on 17 February 2...
Silver fiber revolution is associated with which crop?