Polymorphism is one of the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and refers to the ability of a function, method, or operator to act on different types of data. The word “polymorphism” literally means "many forms," and in OOP, it allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. The most common types of polymorphism are method overriding and method overloading .
Which of the following pair is the odd one out?
On which of the following floor does T live?
How many people live between the one who likes Sony and Dell?
Who among the following live immediate below C?
How many boxes are placed between Box B and Box G?
If the slots for evening and morning functions are interchanged and keeping the order of the schedule constant, the week now starts from Sunday and goes...
Which of the following box is placed immediately above Box E, on the same stack?
How many persons are living between I and the one who goes to Indore?
The difference between age of C and A is?
Who celebrated his birthday between Y and G?