In this code, an ArrayList is created and populated with three elements. The add() method is used to insert 15 at index 1. This insertion shifts the other elements accordingly. Let's break down why the correct output is B and explain why the other options are incorrect: · Explanation of Correct Option (B): Initially, the ArrayList contains [10, 20, 30] . When list.add(1, 15) is executed, it inserts the value 15 at index 1 . This causes the elements at index 1 and 2 (i.e., 20 and 30 ) to be shifted one position to the right. After the insertion, the list looks like this: [10, 15, 20, 30] . The call to list.get(2) retrieves the element at index 2 , which is now 20 . · Why the Other Options Are Incorrect:
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