K-Means is a popular clustering algorithm in machine learning that groups data points into 'k' clusters based on their similarities. The algorithm works by initializing 'k' cluster centroids, assigning each data point to the nearest centroid, and iteratively updating the centroids until the clusters are optimized. K-Means is commonly used in tasks such as market segmentation, image compression, and pattern recognition. Unlike classification algorithms like K-Nearest Neighbors or Logistic Regression, K-Means does not require labeled data.
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निम्नलिखित में किस वाक्य में क्रिया का अकर्मक रूप में प्र...
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निम्नलिखित में से 'केतु' का पर्याय नहीं है:
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ज़मीन आसमा...
'उच्छिष्ट' शब्द से उपसर्ग अलग कीजिए।
दृढ़ ( 1) संकल्प ( 2) करो ( 3) कर्तव्य ( 4) करके ( 5) अपना ( 6) । प्रस्त...
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' तिमिर ' शब्द का विलोम है __________