The correlation coefficient quantifies the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. Values close to +1 or -1 indicate a strong positive or negative relationship, respectively, while values near 0 suggest a weak or no linear relationship. Calculating the correlation coefficient is particularly useful in EDA as it helps analysts understand potential dependencies between variables, which can influence modeling and feature selection decisions. This metric is essential for identifying patterns that might not be evident through simple visualization. Option A is incorrect as histograms display frequency distribution, not relationships. Option B is incorrect because box plots are used to display distribution and identify outliers, not relationships. Option D is incorrect as pie charts are used for categorical data proportions, not continuous variable relationships. Option E is incorrect because line plots are for trends over time, not relationship strength between two variables.
Who is popularly known as 'the King of Clay' and has decided to withdraw from the upcoming edition of the French Open due to injury?
The Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Rules, 2019 were amended to simplify which of the following processes?
Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd (TCIL) has entered into an agreement with _______ for the provision of Captive Non-Public Network (CNPN) Servic...
Recently the government has monetised assets worth Rs 33,422 crore under the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) in 2022-23, which ministry is leading ...
Which ministry recently launched a new feature called the Bharatskills Forum that allows sharing of books, notes, videos, question bank, etc., and other...
For the year 2022 Digital CX Awards which bank has been bestowed upon?
What is the main purpose of the India Graphene Engineering and Innovation Centre (IGEIC)?
What is the main objective of KYC guidelines followed by Banks?
I- It helps prevent banks from using criminal networks.
II- KYC helps the ...
What is the primary objective of the "one nation, one registration platform" introduced by the National Medical Commission (NMC) for doctors in India? ...
What percentage of waste from legacy landfill sites in large cities has been remedied since the launch of SBM Urban 2.0?