The correlation coefficient quantifies the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. Values close to +1 or -1 indicate a strong positive or negative relationship, respectively, while values near 0 suggest a weak or no linear relationship. Calculating the correlation coefficient is particularly useful in EDA as it helps analysts understand potential dependencies between variables, which can influence modeling and feature selection decisions. This metric is essential for identifying patterns that might not be evident through simple visualization. Option A is incorrect as histograms display frequency distribution, not relationships. Option B is incorrect because box plots are used to display distribution and identify outliers, not relationships. Option D is incorrect as pie charts are used for categorical data proportions, not continuous variable relationships. Option E is incorrect because line plots are for trends over time, not relationship strength between two variables.
The 4th edition of the AIM-ICDK Water Innovation Challenge was successfully concluded in November 2024. Which country collaborated with India for this ...
India Post has partnered with whom to strengthen the e-commerce export ecosystem?
What is the name of the earth observation satellite launched by ISRO using SSLV D3 in August 2024?
Which of the following states is/are not a part of Western Ghats:
1. Gujarat
2. Maharashtra
Who is the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare?
Which country recently took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) for six months?
In which of the following states, Micro Financing was first introduced by the SEWA Bank, a division of the Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA), in ...
Recently, a glacial lake outburst flood in the South Lhonak Lake of which of the following state?
The Philippines recently signed a ‘Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA)’ with which country, allowing their military forces to enter each other’s cou...
In which city was the National Basketball Academy established in collaboration with Corvuss American Academy by the Basketball Federation of India?