The Dickey-Fuller test is a statistical test used to determine whether a time series is stationary or not. A stationary time series has constant mean and variance over time, which is an important assumption in many time series forecasting models, including ARIMA. If a time series is not stationary, it can be made stationary by differencing the data. The Dickey-Fuller test specifically tests the null hypothesis that a time series has a unit root, indicating non-stationarity. Option A is incorrect because the Dickey-Fuller test is not used to determine the best forecasting model. Option C is incorrect as the Dickey-Fuller test does not specifically address seasonal patterns but rather focuses on stationarity. Option D is incorrect because the Dickey-Fuller test is a diagnostic tool and not a forecasting method. Option E is incorrect because the test does not detect outliers but rather checks for stationarity.
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“ कवि पहले व्रजभाषा की कविताएँ लिखा करते थे जिनका संग्रह ' ...