Schema alignment is critical when integrating multiple datasets because it harmonizes different data structures by ensuring consistent field names and data types across datasets. For example, aligning fields like “Date of Purchase” with “Purchase Date” ensures data uniformity, and converting data types like text-based dates to standardized formats makes merging more effective. Schema alignment facilitates smoother data integration, making analysis more accurate and cohesive across disparate datasets. It is particularly essential in environments where data from various sources must be merged and analyzed as a whole. The other options are incorrect because: • Option 1 involves aggregation, which is about summarizing data rather than aligning field names or data types. • Option 2 (normalization) is useful for scaling but does not address naming or type consistency. • Option 4 is inefficient as it can lead to loss of potentially valuable data by discarding non-matching entries. • Option 5 (z-scores) is a transformation technique for numerical standardization, unrelated to resolving inconsistencies in data schema.
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