SQL databases are designed for structured data with fixed schemas, making them suitable for applications with well-defined relationships, such as financial systems or CRM software. In contrast, NoSQL databases handle a wide variety of data types, including unstructured (e.g., videos, text), semi-structured (e.g., JSON, XML), and structured data. This flexibility makes NoSQL databases ideal for use cases such as social media analytics and IoT data management. The ability to store diverse data types in a scalable manner is a significant advantage of NoSQL systems in handling big data challenges. Why Other Options Are Incorrect: • A: SQL uses relational storage; NoSQL can use hierarchical, document, key-value, or graph storage. • B: SQL requires schemas; NoSQL is schema-less or schema-flexible. • D: SQL is typically optimized for vertical scaling, while NoSQL excels in horizontal scaling. • E: SQL and NoSQL differ significantly in their storage and scalability models.
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