Sampling is crucial for making data analysis feasible in large datasets. Instead of analyzing all 1,000,000 responses, which is resource-intensive, a representative sample can be selected to draw meaningful conclusions. Sampling reduces complexity and costs while maintaining accuracy if the sample is well-chosen. For example, in customer feedback analysis, stratified sampling might be used to include responses across diverse demographics, ensuring the sample reflects the population's diversity. This allows timely, actionable insights without overloading resources. Why Other Options Are Wrong : A) Sampling doesn’t aim to analyze every data point; it focuses on representative subsets. C) Sampling can reduce errors but doesn’t eliminate them entirely, especially if biased. D) While sampling strives for representativeness, it cannot always guarantee 100% accuracy. E) Data validation remains necessary even in sampled datasets to ensure quality.
Statements: W ≤ T = R; T < U < S; X = W ≥ Y
I. S > Y
II. W ≥ S
III. U ≥ Y
Statement: Q > R; O < K ≤ N; O ≥ S > R
Conclusion: I. O ≥ Q     II. R < N.
Statements: Z > Y ≥ X; I < N ≤ L; F < I > D > Z
I. L > F
II. X < N
III. Y < I
Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces (_) respectively (in the same order from left to right) to complete the given expre...
P ≤ Q < R > K; R < S > T; T < U < V
I). Â P < S
II).  P ≥ S
...Statements: Q # N, N % S, S * U, U # M
I. Q # S
II. Q * S
III. N % M
Statements: S ≥ W = R > I < M > F > P ≤ X
Conclusion I: S > R
II: P < M
Statements: L $ W, W * H, H # T, P % T
Conclusions: Â Â Â Â Â I. T @ L Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â II. H % LÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â...
Statements: G < H ≤ I, V ≥ W = G, R ≥ I = A
Conclusions : I. R > G
II. A ≥ H
III. H ≤ R
...Statements: J > K > L, L < M > X, X = Y > Z
I. L = Z
II. J > Y