Sample size determination relies heavily on the desired confidence level (e.g., 95%) and acceptable margin of error (e.g., ±5%). These factors ensure the sample provides reliable and precise estimates about the population. A smaller margin of error requires a larger sample size. Tools like power analysis or sample size calculators often use these parameters to calculate the minimum sample size needed for statistical validity. Why Other Options Are Wrong : A) While resources influence feasibility, they shouldn’t dictate sample size at the cost of accuracy. C) Total population size impacts sample size minimally beyond a certain threshold. D) Sampling technique affects how a sample is drawn, not its size. E) The number of variables might influence data collection but isn’t the primary determinant of sample size.
What is the type of farming when the annual rainfall is 750-1150 mm?
Which nutrient is responsible for the pollen germination in wheat crop?
High salt tolerant crops are
(A) Dhaincha
(B) Sugarbeet
(C) Cotton
(D) Barley
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
Photosynthetically active radiation (µm) is:
Strictly self pollinating crop is
Chlorine is associated to photosynthesis in production of:
This type of wing modification is distinguished by wings covered with scales, aiding in coloration and smoothing airflow over the body
‘Pusa Nanha’ is the variety of:
If the cow is mated with the bull and the performance is increased, it is termed as
Kew, Queen or Mauritius are varieties of