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A Pivot Table is the most efficient way to aggregate, filter, and analyze large datasets in Excel. Pivot tables allow you to group data by categories (e.g., regions) and summarize it with calculations such as sums, averages, and counts. In this case, the Pivot Table allows you to calculate total sales per region and then filter out those with sales above $1,000,000. The Pivot Table provides an interactive and dynamic way to analyze data and is especially useful when working with large datasets. Why Other Options Are Wrong : A) VLOOKUP : VLOOKUP is used to find data in a table based on a matching value, but it is not designed for aggregating or summarizing data by groups (regions in this case). C) SUMIF : While SUMIF could sum sales based on a condition, it is less flexible for grouping data by regions and allows no easy way to filter the results. A Pivot Table is more powerful for summarization and filtering. D) COUNTIF : COUNTIF is used to count the number of occurrences that meet a condition, not for summing or aggregating sales data. E) Data Validation : Data Validation restricts data entry based on specified criteria but does not perform any aggregation or filtering operations on data.
Which two great footballers, who were members of the gold medal winning team of 1962 Asian Games, passed away in 2020?
The first India Stack Developer Conference held in ____?
On 7th March, 2022, the Chhattisgarh government has launched a scheme for the mothers delivering a second girl child will be provided a lump sum amount ...
Consider the following statements aboutExercise VINBAX:Â
1.   Recently, Indian Armed Forces contingent took participate in this Exercise .Â...
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TOPS is a flagship program of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports which is an attempt to provide assistance to India’s top athletes. What is the ...
Consider the following statements about TEMPO satellite:Â
1. It monitors major air pollutants across North America.Â
2.  It was Bui...
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