Metadata refers to "data about data." It describes the structure, properties, and context of data rather than the actual data itself. For example, a database schema is metadata because it defines the structure of a database table (e.g., which fields the table contains, the type of data for each field, constraints, and relationships between tables). This provides information about how data is organized and stored. Why Other Options Are Wrong : A) Incorrect : The actual content of a text message is the primary data, not metadata. Metadata would describe attributes like the sender, timestamp, and message length, but not the message itself. B) Incorrect : The color of a product is primary data in the inventory database, not metadata. Metadata would describe attributes like the type of product, the field type (e.g., text, color), and other structural details. D) Incorrect : The data in a survey response field is primary data, not metadata. Metadata would describe aspects like the field type, range of allowed answers, or data collection method. E) Incorrect : The price listed for a product is primary data. Metadata would describe the data type (e.g., numeric, decimal) and possibly the currency type but not the actual value itself.
निम्नलिखित में से कर्त्ताकारक की विभक्ति______है।
भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान कई महापुरुषों ने देश ...
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भारत दुनिया के प्राचीन देशों में अपना एक विशेष _____ रखता है।
------------------------खतरों से नहीं घबराते।
जो ......... करे इसकी रिपोर्ट पुलिस से करना हमारा धर्म है।
कुछ साँप ----------------------होते हैं।
सारा राज्य उसके लिए एक___________था। रिक्त स्थान के लिए उपयु...
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